04 Monday

Muses and Museums, A Great Story


Duration 60 minutes
from 4 to 12 years old
Booking Now


Who are the 9 Muses and what kind of arts – sciences do they represent? How is the word “museum” related to the word “Muses”? What was a museum in ancient times? How many different types of museums exist nowadays? How are myths related to music and astronomy? The answers to these and many other questions are given through the educational program of the Museotek platform, entitled “Muses and Museums, a Great Story”. Come with us, and along with Muses we will learn about the historical background of museums, we will play, listen to myths and other stories, and of course will express ourselves creatively through innovative music-kinetic and arts activities.

The educational program supports the Curriculum of Greek Language, History, Music, Geography & Aesthetic Education courses. It also supports Elementary Skills Workshops, in the subject area of “Global and local Cultural Heritage”.

*The demonstration educational program is not available for sale!

Note: The program is offered per class of a maximum of 30 students

Event Calendar

Curriculum Details

60 minutes Duration
Greek language
Suitable for students
from 4 to 12 years old
Nursery school / 1st Grade / 2nd Grade / 3rd Grade / 4th Grade / 5th Grade / 6th Grade

Monday –Friday 10:00-18:00

27 Kifisias Avenue, Ampelokipoi, 115 23 Athens

Meet our guides

Athina Poursaitidou

Archaeologist - Museum Educator

View CV